5 Things Never to Do On Your Wedding Day
You’ve made it this far. You bought the wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses, got the ring, and wrote your vows. Now it’s time to enjoy the most romantic day of your life. If you want to have a truly relaxing day, though, steer clear of these 5 Things Never to Do On Your Wedding Day. They are definite day destroyers.
Pick a Fight.
This is the first but most common problem of the 5 Things Never to Do On Your Wedding Day. Sure, maybe your mom was late or your fiancée was rude.
Do you really want to remember your wedding as a day of fighting, or walk down the aisle filled with anxiety? Cultivate love and forgiveness on this most special of days, even if every one is driving you crazy.
Here are seven tips that might help your fight or flight response.
- Communicate clearly and effectively with your partner, family, and wedding planner. Making sure everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect.
- Practice deep breathing and mindfulness techniques to help you stay calm and centered in the face of stress.
- Set boundaries: Be assertive in addressing any issues that arise, rather than allowing them to escalate into a confrontation.
- Remind yourself that this is your special day, and try to let go of any expectations or perfectionism that may be causing stress.
- Surround yourself with supportive people who will help you stay grounded and focused on what’s important.
- Have a plan for handling last-minute changes and unexpected problems: Planning will help you can stay calm and focused on enjoying your special day.
- Try to keep a positive attitude and be thankful for the people around you and the moment you are experiencing.
Try a New Medication.
It doesn’t matter why you’re doing it. Medications often carry side effects, and the last thing you want to do is fall asleep, vomit, or faint at the altar. And avoid the worst side effect of all getting drunk in front of your family and friends.
Here are some reasons not to change your medication routine.
- Medication changes can take time to adjust to and may cause side effects or withdrawal symptoms. This can negatively impact your experience on your special day.
- Changing medications without consulting a healthcare professional can be dangerous and could lead to serious health complications.
- Your current medication regimen may be specifically tailored to your needs, and changing it could affect the effectiveness of your treatment.
- Changing medications on your wedding day could also lead to unexpected interactions with other medications or substances you may be taking, such as alcohol.
- Suddenly stopping or changing your medication could lead to a relapse of any condition you are treating and cause stress and anxiety on your special day.
- If you have chronic condition and you are in a stable state and happy with your current treatment if it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it. It’s not worth the risk to change your medication just for the sake of the wedding day.
It’s important to remember that your health and well-being should always be a top priority, and making any changes to your medication should always be done in consultation with your healthcare professional.
Embark on a New Beauty Ritual.
That mask you got on an impulse buy or the eye treatment your maid of honor got you for your wedding might seem like a good idea—until your face breaks out in red welts, that is. Steer clear of any new beauty treatments in the days leading up to your nuptials, or you may find yourself scrambling to conceal the damage.
Reasons not to change your beauty routine suddenly before your wedding day.
- Changing your beauty routine, especially close to your wedding day, could cause skin irritation, breakouts, or allergic reactions.
- Your current beauty routine may have already been tried and tested, and you know what works and what doesn’t. Changing it at the last minute could lead to unexpected results.
- Trying new products or treatments close to your wedding day could cause stress and anxiety if they don’t work out as planned.
- Changing your beauty routine too close to the wedding day could also cause you to look different from how you’ve planned or imagined in your wedding pictures.
- If you have sensitive skin: It is especially important to stick to a routine that you know works for you, as new products may not be suitable for your skin type.
- Sudden changes in your beauty routine could lead to a lack of confidence in your appearance on your special day.
- If you are happy with your current beauty routine and you have enough time to test out any new products or treatments well before the wedding day. Sticking with what you know works for you.
It’s important to remember that your beauty routine should always be tailored to your individual needs. Making any changes should always be done well in advance and with the help of a professional if needed.
Eat Brightly Coloured Foods while wearing your Wedding Dress.
You don’t need to starve yourself on your wedding day, but you should load up on food before you step into your dress.
If you must eat as you await your walk down the aisle, try draping yourself in a robe or sheet. Unattractive, but the last thing you want to do is try to get ketchup out of your wedding gown. A good idea would be to avoid drinking red wine just to be safe don’t put it on the drinks list.
Things to do if you have stained your wedding dress on the day.
- Act quickly: The faster you can attend to a stain, the better chance you have of removing it.
- Blot, don’t rub: Use a clean white cloth or paper towel to gently blot the stain, working from the outside in to avoid spreading it.
- Use the right cleaning solution: Water-based stains like wine or coffee treat with a solution of water and mild detergent. Oil-based stains like makeup or salad dressing can be treated with a solution of water and white vinegar.
- Test the cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the dress first to make sure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.
- Avoid heat: Never use hot water or a hot iron on a stain, as this can set it and make it permanent.
- Talcum powder will help hide a stain on a white wedding dress if you have no time to remove the stain before the ceremony.
It’s important to remember that the key to removing a stain is acting quickly and using the right cleaning solution. If the stain is too hard to remove, don’t panic, there are many ways to conceal it or to use a back-up dress.
Be Late.
Don’t be late for your own wedding! It’s stressful, especially to the groom who is waiting on you, and could cost you more money at your wedding venue.
Plan ahead, and add a significant time cushion so that, if anything goes awry, you’re still cool, calm, and collected.
8 tips for being on time.
- Make a schedule and stick to it. Plan out your day in advance, taking into account things like hair and makeup appointments, transportation, and time for any last-minute preparations.
- Allow extra time for unexpected delays. Traffic, weather, and other unforeseen circumstances can cause delays, so make sure to build in extra time to account for them.
- Make a detailed plan for transportation. Make sure you know how you’re getting to the ceremony and reception, and that your transportation is confirmed and ready to go.
- Make sure everyone is on the same page. Communicate your schedule and plans to your bridal party and wedding planner to make sure everyone is aware of what needs doing and when.
- Set alarms. Set alarms on your phone or other devices to remind you of important times and appointments.
- Have a contact person. Appoint someone you trust to be a point of contact for the wedding day, someone that can reach out to you in case of any last-minute schedule changes.
- Do not procrastinate. Avoid leaving things to the last minute, try to have everything ready the day before, this will ensure you have enough time for any last-minute touch-ups.
- Stay relaxed and focused. Avoid getting too stressed or anxious, which could cause you to lose track of time or make mistakes.
The sentence ” fashionably late “do not apply on this day.
It’s important to remember that being on time on your wedding day is crucial.
It sets the tone for the rest of the day and being late can cause unnecessary stress for yourself and others. Planning ahead, allowing extra time and having a good communication with your wedding planner and bridal party can help you avoid being late.
Relax and enjoy your day your prepared.
I’m sure there are a lot more than 5 Things Never to Do On Your Wedding Day. But after 20 years in the wedding business these are the 5 most common problems that can be avoided I hope it is helpful.
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