About bridal gown designer Leah
I’m asked these two questions quite often, where did you study? and how do you get a start in the fashion industry?
Growing up in the rag trade ment I was helping out on the production floor from a very young age. I studied the oh so real school of fashion. I would love to do a business degree and would recommend this course as the one to study.
The fashion industry is one of the hardest to get a foot in the door especially if it’s your own business. Solid business advice, emotional and financial support are just the beginnings. Being a bridal gown designer is a lot of hard work.
Fashion is survival of the fittest and you need to compete just as hard (well harder) as your competitors to survive. So know it will not be an easy journey but it is a rewarding one.
Make as many friends in the biz as possible. Such as – photographer’s, web people, media contacts, hairdressers, make up artists and collaborate on projects.
Stay true to your self and don’t copy what any one else is doing.
Find ways to keep motivated. Write down what your definition of success is as it’s easy to loose sight of what you are really looking for. I define success as making a living while working for your self.
Never listen to the negative people. A stranger asked me when I was about 8 years old what do you want to do when you grow up. I said “I want to be a fashion designer” she said “that’s probably not going to happen, you should be a teacher”. Most people now are less direct with their negativity.
Don’t be afraid to fail, is the biggest set back will be your own mind.
No one can really tell you how to do it, just listen to your inner voice, And if not just fake it until you make it 🙂 x